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Non-profit organizations face various challenges. It is easy for leaders and board members to begin focusing on addressing the short term needs of the organization without developing a comprehensive strategic plan for the future. 


As the eSolve team has met with various organizations, the team has identified a regular need for non-profits to create alignment. Components often addressed during alignment include: updated mission and vision statements; strategic plan with goals aligned to an evaluation tool; and program evaluation mechanisms. Often when an organization attempts to lead this work themselves, the leaders find that they are not able to facilitate and participate at the same time. eSolve has partnered with several non-profits to facilitate this process.    

View a Non-Profit workbook created by eSolve.


Learn more about the eSolve Design Process.


eSolve begins by surveying stakeholders of the organization to gather their input.  In addition, other data is collected as appropriate to help create an accurate review of the organization’s work. After presenting this information to the leadership, eSolve facilitates the work of developing or updating the organization's mission and vision statement. In addition, the group will identify their core values. One of the most important components of this work is to create strategic short, mid, and long term goals with benchmarks and evaluation metrics. Our team works closely with the group to facilitate goals that are reasonable and aligned to their mission.     


Nonprofits who participate in our readiness training are better aligned to meet the needs of those they serve. In addition, these organizations are prepared to apply for grant funding.

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