Recognizing the disconnect between schools and industry leaders in the Indiana Uplands Region, Regional Opportunity Initiatives, Inc., (ROI) developed a grant opportunity to allow districts to create strategic alignment between instruction and workforce needs in their communities.
Loogootee Community Schools realized this grant was an opportunity to reimagine their curriculum and community partnerships. The district had an 84% college enrollment rate, however, only 77% of those students persisted into their second year of college. In addition, the district leadership sought to increase community engagement and industry partnerships. The district contacted eSolve in hopes of partnering to develop a holistic solution to these complex issues.
Learn more about the Ready Schools Grant.
Learn more about the eSolve Design Process.
The eSolve team began implementing the eSolve Design Process to create a comprehensive solution. The team started by gathering data from the schools, stakeholders, and industry leaders. Through surveys and focus groups, students, parents, and community members outlined their satisfactions, frustrations, and hopes and dreams. This information was compiled into profiles which were used to guide the development of solutions. A design team, which consisted of teachers, district leaders, and community members; began meeting to identify high-quality models across the country. The eSolve team guided the design team through the development of a customized model based on best practices.
The model included:
increased hands-on learning through project-based learning
career pathway alignment
ongoing job embedded growth for teachers
The district presented their proposed model to ROI. As a result of their engagement with the design process, Loogootee Community Schools was awarded a $495,091 grant. The district has been recognized as a Project Lead the Way Distinguished District and one of the first STEM Certified High Schools in Indiana. eSolve continues to work alongside Loogootee Community Schools to support their implementation.